There she is... Our '94 Honda GL1500 Goldwing Aspencade!
So, call us a bit crazy (it's much colder here now than in Tonga!), but we did it! We closed the Cafe, left s/v Waking Dream & the Kart Safaris in the hands of good friends in Vava'u and flew off to California! The bike (which we bought sight unseen...!) is FANTASTIC! She's a beautiful blue colour, was well taken care of (thanks, Jim!), super comfy, full-loaded, and surely will soon name herself. Today we went for our maiden-tour; a gorgeous 2- hour sunset drive down through Hidden Valley, to Pacific Coast Highway 1 (PCH), through Malibu, and back up Kanan Rd. It was so beautiful, especially the colours as the sun set in the hazy sky. Winter is beginning to thaw and seeing other bikes out and about made us smile. We're looking forward to the comraderie of passing by and riding with other bikers! We feel so lucky to be embarking on this adventure & excited to see friends & family all over the America. Now... it's time to prep the bike and all our gear, spend a week or so packing a crate of stuff to ship to Vava'u, and
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